MY CHOICE: Jack Mitchell-Anyon / June 2021

June 2021: Jack Mitchell-Anyon, local business owner and musician
Each month a member of our community is invited to browse our online collection and select six of their favourite artworks. Each ‘My Choice’ selection, together with personal responses to the works, will be available to view on the Sarjeant Gallery website for one month at a time. The June 2021 My Choice has been selected by Jack Mitchell-Anyon and is available to view until 30 June 2021.
“I grew up in Whanganui, got expelled from high school and then was flushed off to finish up at Wellington High School. Completing that, I did what many do and got my ‘degree in hospitality’ (working in the industry). Chasing a cool little scene in Whanganui based around the old art school and a rebel underground venue called ‘Stink Magnetic’ – I came back. I ran a venue called Space Monster and now a little café/shop called Article. I love to garden, play a mean surf guitar – no kids, but one cute little dog called Delphi.” – Jack Mitchell-Anyon
“I first met Erica at Article and always loved her, and her work. This is particularly relevant to me as I grew up in Gonville and appreciate the simple and humble themes In Erica’s work. However often small, they represent hugely stylistic and historic themes and I like the way she notices these things we all look past – until they’re gone.”
“There’s something timeless and magical about this photo that I really like. It makes me think of a really idyllic community, rolling their children on the central lawn and yak’n about the state of it all. Possibly that never happened.”
“I really love plants and flowers. I especially love how the boldness of them in this almost hides the slightly scary character looming behind. What does it mean? Unsure. But I’d have it on my wall.”
“I’m hugely fond of this work. It appeals to my sense of symmetry, while holding its own imperfections in the colour and gradient. It also reminds me of a Psych-Reef from the cartoon future and an old video game I played as a child.”
“I love the juxtaposition between these two equally naff products. That foam is hugely nostalgic, as is the plastic cane. There’s something very satisfying about it put together in that shape.”
“What can I say? I’m a sucker for a mirror image. I love the colours in this photo a lot. The way it tricks the mind when you initially gaze upon it. Also the best book I ever read was about salt, for some reason – I’m intimately intrigued by it.”
Past exhibitions 2021