MY CHOICE: Zahra Killeen-Chance / October 2021

October 2021: Zahra Killeen-Chance
Each month a member of our community is invited to browse our online collection and select six of their favourite artworks. Each My Choice selection, together with personal responses to the works, will be available to view on the Sarjeant Gallery website for one month at a time. The October 2021 My Choice has been selected by Zahra Killeen-Chance and is available to view until 31 October, 2021.
Zahra Killeen-Chance is a Distinguished Graduate of the New Zealand School of Dance and an award winning choreographer and performer. She has produced and choreographed works throughout New Zealand and Asia Pacific. She was recently commissioned to make works for Tempo Dance Festival and Footnote New Zealand Dance. Zahra has performed and exhibited at public and private galleries including St Paul Street Gallery, Artspace, McLeavey Gallery, and Bowerbank Ninow. Zahra has undertaken several residencies including Artspace NZ (2014), MAP Research Series (2015), and Asia NZ Foundation, Taipei Artist Village (2017) and currently is in residence at Tylee Cottage. In 2015 she won a scholarship at the Auckland University of Technology to undertake a Master of Performance and Media Arts (First Class Honours).
Jeffrey Harris Rebirth 1978
“I am drawn into Jeffery’s fine and intricate drawing. There is so much going on which keeps my eye occupied and entertained for hours, discovering new nooks and crannies in the work.”
Megan Jenkinson Ex Libris Labore – Fieri Facias (cause to be made from the Book of Labour) 1989
“I enjoy the way that she uses collage to play with the intersection between different mediums. This particular work caught my attention through the way she is able to transform the primitive rock forms.”
Wayne Barrar Seawater intake, Pacific Ocean 1989
“The way this work acts like a road and takes you out to sea through the vanishing point grabs me and makes me feel like I’m being plunged into the ocean. The image has a beautiful formal simplicity that is satisfying to the eye.”
Anne Noble During the ceremony of her Final Profession, a sister lies in front of the alter while the community and the congregation say a litany or prayer of intercession, the angels and saints…By the life and labour of all monks promote the welfare of all humanity…Hear prayer…etc. 1988
“This image is from one of my favourite series by Anne Noble. It’s a rare and sensitive insight into the private rituals that is decisively recorded at a moment of great tension in an environment of solitude.”
From the Series In the presence of Angels- Photographs of Contemporary life
Seraphine Pick Untitled 2011
“The figures in this work of Seraphine Pick’s are evocative of multiple readings, one that springs to mind is Adam and Eve. Their feet have blended into the ground indicating to me that they have grown from and are of this earth. I enjoy how she meshes the primeval with modern imagery.”
Ann Verdcourt Female Figure
“This figure for me evokes the Venus of Willendorf and Prehistoric Fertility Figures. I’m interested in how the female image can be represented and am drawn to this sculpture as it evokes these early representations of the female.”
Past exhibitions 2021